Tiffany Shae, founder of Shine Bright. Speak Truth. where Christian Women can find helpful bible study tools and resources, ministry focused business tools


I hope this is a space where you can relax and relate. Grab your favorite mug, fill it up, and let's chat like friends.

Pressing in…

I don’t know about you, but the end of a year usually culminates in a cleansing of sorts: cleaning out the closets, the fridge, the pantry, the office, and, of course, the homeschool area.

All these things usually happen during the week between Christmas and New Year, when I barely know the day or my name and probably haven’t washed my hair since Christmas Eve. The most important thing during this time is chatting with God and asking Him what He wants me to focus on for the new year. He usually does this through a word or phrase that will consistently “show” itself throughout the year. It’s always something the Lord wants me to grow in, receive freedom from, or walk out to build character. 

My word for 2019 was “Rise Up”. Rise up out of insecurity and fear, out of the worry that consumed me about not being enough and not being what people like. For 365 days, I walked that phrase “Rise Up” out, and I learned so much. My biggest takeaway is that it doesn’t matter what people think. I know a lot of times that’s easier said than done, but it’s true. I’m not denying I still wrestle with those insecure thoughts, but I have learned to take each one captive and put it under the blood of Jesus.

I was curious about where God would lead me this year and was intrigued when I heard “PRESS IN.” Reaching deep intimacy with my Heavenly Father is a desire that has developed in me, especially in the last couple of months. I’ve realized that word was not just for Him and me; as I have tuned into what He wants for 2020, I see that “PRESS IN” is for all His people.

I believe this new year and decade will be unprecedented in terms of spiritual awakening in our towns, counties, and states. Jesus will become a beloved name for many lost. With that, I’ve been feeling that many people are standing at a crossroads coming into the new year, and this will be a year of choice – to press in or not – and that we need to encourage others to press into Him.

Often, we put Him in a box and label it only what we know and not with a blank spot for Him to fill in with His goodness. This question has been spinning around in my head, too. How can we pour out love to others and help them see Jesus if we aren’t pressing in ourselves? The more we press in, the more intimate we become with Him, and He will reveal what He wants to share with others.

I would love to hear more about what God is speaking to you for 2020.

Tiffany Shae, founder of Shine Bright. Speak Truth. where Christian Women can find helpful bible study tools and resources, ministry focused business tools
written by

Tiffany Shae


Welcome to the Shine Bright. Speak Truth. blog! As you settle in for a read, I am praying for you. I pray this is a space to connect with a like-minded Christian friend, where you can relax and relate. So, grab your favorite mug, fill it, and let’s connect.

Tiffany Shae, founder of Shine Bright. Speak Truth. where Christian Women can find helpful bible study tools and resources, ministry focused business tools


Tiffany Shae, founder of Shine Bright. Speak Truth. where Christian Women can find helpful bible study tools and resources, ministry focused business tools

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